PPT001: Welcome to Pastured Poultry Talk

Get to know your hosts, Grady Phelan and Mike Badger in the premiere episode of Pastured Poultry Talk. This podcast aims to inspire pastured poultry producers to build better businesses, solve problems, and integrate new ideas.

There’s just not a lot of public information, especially in podcast format, about raising poultry on pasture for producers. Grady and Mike aim to change that by bringing you perspectives from around the community.

Grady shares his four point perspective about what pastured poultry means in terms of poultry, pasture, people, and the local economy. We learn a bit out Grady and Mike’s pastured poultry adventures and discover that both hosts have started their own poultry breeding programs. Grady is raising Delaware chickens, and Mike is raising Beltsville Small White turkeys.

We want to hear from you. Email your questions and show ideas to pasturedpoultrytalk@gmail.com.

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About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

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