PPT053: Feeding People and Creating Jobs with New Roots Farm

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Nick Stolberg is just beginning his career as a pastured poultry farmer in Cap Haitian, Haiti where he’s using pastured poultry to feed people and create jobs. Raising pastured poultry is the latest stop on his long-term mission, and I use his Haitian experience to reflect on our opportunities and challenges to the pastured poultry model in the U.S.
pastured broilers at new roots
hens on pasture in haiti
We talk about Nick’s early pastured poultry career as he goes through some of the pain points, but he’s optimistic about the future. We also discuss the economic damage the commercial chicken industry inflicts on other parts of the world, and the U.S.

Most of all, we get a good lookck at how pastured poultry can revitalize people, the land, and a broader economy with nutritious food produced by members of the community.

Find Nick and New Roots online: Facebook | Web.

This episode is sponsored by Henlight.

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About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

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