Pastured Poultry Training: Planning & Discovery (PPT104)

Download the worksheet for this episode to help you apply the concepts discussed in the podcast episode. Get it by email here.

One of the biggest mistakes pastured poultry growers make is that they make impulsive decisions, which often go like this. I think I’ll raise some chickens, so I go to the nearest chick days and find some birds based on what the store employees tell me. Next thing I know, I’m trying to sell them, but I’m just throwing darts at all my questions and hoping it comes out ok.

Obviously, I’m being a bit dramatic, but the pattern is clear enough to be cliché over my decade of time in the pastured poultry community.

If you’re just starting out with chick, I want you to be successful.

If you’ve raised poultry in the past, but you’re struggling with something along they way, I want you to be successful.

This is part 1 of a multi-part introduction to pastured poultry raising. I’ll focus on the fundamentals of breed, feed, brooder, pasture, processing, and planning. I’ve an awesome amount of marketing content already recorded and published. I’ll post a link to those episodes below.

Pastured Poultry Planning & Discovery

Even if you already have your flock started, listen to this episode because it’s never too late to discover insights.

The episodes in this series will focus on the production practices that yield you a cost effective, healthy, delicious, and nutritious product. That is the foundation for a profitable flock; however, this series will be applicable to growers regardless of your market ambitions.

In this episode:

  • Why do you want to raise pastured poultry?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Review of Gross Profit Margin
  • What breed do you want to raise?
  • What feed requirements do you have?
  • An introductory discussion on predators.

Marketing Episodes from Pastured Poultry Talk:

I’ve published many marketing focused episodes and lots of episodes that contain great nuggets of marketing wisdom. To click through the previous pastured poultry marketing shows, start  here:

I created an editable PDF worksheet to help you work through the concepts in this episode. Get it by email.

Windy Meadows Hatchery LogoThis episode of Pastured Poultry Talk sponsored by Windy Meadows Hatchery. Windy Meadows Hatchery supplies day old broiler chicks from their family run hatchery.

If you’re looking for a supplier for your chicks, talk to the people who are directly responsible for hatching and shipping your birds. Tell them you heard about them from Pastured Poultry Talk. Contact Windy Meadows Hatchery.

Premier 1 logoIf you’re looking for fences that work from the people who use them everyday, contact Premier at 800-282-6631 or visit their website to request an informational catalog.

About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.