PPT010: Veteran Farmer Terrell Spencer Shares His Story on Chickens, War, and Restoration

Mike speaks with Arkansas producer Terrell Spencer, aka Spence, about farming, military, and life.

Everyone has a story and in this episode, Spence shares his story as a veteran turned farmer. He credits his farming path to an Iraqi farmer he observed while on patrol. As he transitioned to life on the farm, he found his therapy in an ax and a chainsaw. He found faith and support in his community.

Now a big part of the Spence’s story is his eagerness to mentor other vets through the Farmer Veteran Coalition.

He started his current poultry business with 30 hens. Now the farm employs Spence and another full-time employee while focusing on poultry. They start between 800-1000 broilers every two weeks from mid-April through December and manage 200 layers. 

Spence is a fixture in the pastured poultry community, offering advice to APPPA members and veterans in addition to consulting services. He is the current Vice President of APPPA.

We end the conversation with a simple question, “how has your pastured poultry business changed?” Feed, chicks, and experience are given. But it’s the people Spence relies on.

“A farm will do everything in it’s power to become the most important thing in your life.” — Spence.


Check out this episode!

About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

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