PPT029: Growing Into a Farm with John Suscovich

What makes a guy quit his New York City job on the Howard Stern show, sell everything he owns to bicycle across the US, and then start his mid-life farming career. That’s the summary of John Suscovich’s self-described quarter-life crisis. John is the Farm Manager at Camp Roads Farm in Connecticut and host of the Growing Farms Podcast.

In this episode, Mike and John talk through John’s transition to farming. Over the course of four years, he has gone from a trial batch of 40 broilers in year one to raising as many as 2,400 meat birds and up to 350 laying hens. John primarily markets through a chicken CSA, and we spend a fair amount of time talking about marketing birds.

John can be found at:

Check out this episode!

About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

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