Mike interviews Jim Adkins of the Sustainable Poultry Network (SPN). According to Jim, SPN is not a backyard chicken club; it’s aggressive at getting the old heritage and standard bred poultry back into the martketplace.
We talk about:
- Everything revolves around training, coaching, and mentoring
- “Don’t get hung up on the word heritage”
- Standard bred is poultry that has a written standard that you breed to
- The chicken industry is bigger than America
- Certification means committing to authenticity, common core values, and breed improvement
- Finding stock from a reliable source; Something more than a bag of bones
- 5 foundational pillars of Sustainable Poultry production model
- Can you do it all? – Do you have to do it all?
- Good breeders often don’t make good marketers
SPN–USA is all about creating local and regional food movements, specifically with standard-bred heritage poultry for meat and eggs. Check ’em out and let Jim know you found him through Pastured Poultry Talk.
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