
About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

Pastured Poultry Training: Evaluating Breeds for Pastured Poultry and Understanding Genetics, Performance, and Cost (PPT105)

This episode has a downloadable worksheet to help you apply the concepts discussed in the podcast episode to your situation. Get it by email here. I assume that when it comes to choosing a breed of chicken for your pastured poultry flock, you will have a favorite breed. As you research birds, you’ll make a…

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Troubleshooting Turkey Processing: Is It Possible to Get a Clean Pluck? PPT096

This is an edited version of the article I published in Issue 113 of the APPPA Grit, which was based on the conversation in this podcast. Not a member of APPPA? Go check them out. Last fall, I had the pleasure of consulting with a producer on some questions about his farm’s turkey processing procedure….

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Perspectives on Pastured Poultry Shelters and Pasture Management

When you put chickens or turkeys out on pasture, there are two fundamental questions you need to consider. Why pasture and how do you house the birds? If you fully grasp the why of the pasture model, you won’t take shortcuts in your housing and implementation. I’m primarily talking about the foundational principle of movement…

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