Fighting Farmer Podcast

Fighting Farmer Podcast by Terrell Spencer.

The Fighting Farmer: community based pastured poultry and analyzing the costs of switching feeds

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]In this episode of The Fighting Farmer: Debriefing the APPPA Professional Pastured Poultry Producers Conference. It’ll either be a smashing hit or a spectactular failure. Trading chicken processing for tax services. Across the Creek Farm has Farm Manager opening. Listener John asked a question about changing his feed ration and…

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The Fighting Farmer Takes on Fake Organic

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]Certified organic is a systems based certification; it doesn’t actually certify the product through testing. As a producer, the current system bugs me because consumers are paying for something they think is different and often times, the only difference is feed. Even that difference can be questionable and uncertain. The…

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The Fighting Farmer on Profitable Ducks, Point of Lay Pullets, and Propane Heaters in the Brooder

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”480″]It’s a winter wrap-up at Across the Creek Farm: The meat duck and broiler production has finished for the winter season. We reflect on the profitability of the meat ducks on pasture. It’s time to think about replacing your laying flocks with ready to lay pullets in the spring. Contact Across the…

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