Introductory Training Series to Raising Pastured Poultry
I cover a six part introduction to pastured poultry that includes: Planning, Breed Selection, Feed Management, Brooder Management, Pasture Management and Shelters, and a Community Q&A. Scroll through the episodes below for more information .
This series was sponsored by Windy Meadows Hatchery and Premier 1 Supplies.
Pastured Poultry Training: Planning & Discovery (PPT104)
April 15, 2020
Mike Badger
All Podcasts, Featured, Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast
00:43:27 1 CommentDownload the worksheet for this episode to help you apply the concepts discussed in the podcast episode. Get it by email here. One of the biggest mistakes pastured poultry growers make is that they make impulsive decisions, which often go like this. I think I’ll raise some chickens, so I go to the nearest chick days…
Pastured Poultry Training: Evaluating Breeds for Pastured Poultry and Understanding Genetics, Performance, and Cost (PPT105)
May 5, 2020
Mike Badger
All Podcasts, Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast
01:04:17 1 CommentThis episode has a downloadable worksheet to help you apply the concepts discussed in the podcast episode to your situation. Get it by email here. I assume that when it comes to choosing a breed of chicken for your pastured poultry flock, you will have a favorite breed. As you research birds, you’ll make a…
9 Practical Tips for Feeding Your Pastured Poultry (PPT106)
June 10, 2020
Mike Badger
All Podcasts, Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast
01:08:40 1 CommentFeeding your pastured poultry is a huge topic, and it can quickly overwhelm you. As a beginner to pastured poultry, I provide nine tips for feeding your flock that can help you get off to the right start. I’ll cover universal feeding advice as well as specific information for meat birds, layers, and turkeys. All…
Successful Brooder Management for Chicks & Poults (PPT107)
July 6, 2020
Mike Badger
All Podcasts, Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast
00:57:57 1 CommentDid you know a commercial meat chicken or turkey may spend up to 40% of it’s life inside a brooder? Layers, by comparison, spend approximately 5% of their first lay-cycle in the brooder. For all our poultry species, the time in the brooder is critical to the long term health and productivity of the flock…
Perspectives on Pastured Poultry Shelters and Pasture Management
July 22, 2020
Mike Badger
All Podcasts, Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast
01:17:51 0 CommentsWhen you put chickens or turkeys out on pasture, there are two fundamental questions you need to consider. Why pasture and how do you house the birds? If you fully grasp the why of the pasture model, you won’t take shortcuts in your housing and implementation. I’m primarily talking about the foundational principle of movement…
Community Q&A Plus a Monologue on Heritage Poultry’s Role in Pastured (PPT109)
August 18, 2020
Mike Badger
All Podcasts, Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast
01:10:36 0 CommentsI close out the pastured poultry training series with a live streamed Q&A between Terrell Spencer from The Fighting Farmer and myself. We went live on Facebook and fielded questions from our listeners, and this episode of the podcast includes an edited version of that conversation. If you want to watch a replay of the…