PPT011: Risk vs Reward of Broiler Production

Pastured Poultry Talk
Pastured Poultry Talk
PPT011: Risk vs Reward of Broiler Production

Grady starts a poultry tip of the day (maybe that should that be week), and for his first tip, he talks about selecting and using brooder bedding.

Mike and Grady respond to a question submitted by producer Seth Stallings. Seth raises broilers in Oklahoma where state regulations prohibit the sale of more than 1,000 exempt processed broilers annually. He’s three hours (one way) away from USDA processing and needs to transport feed. There in lies the risk. The reward is an untapped market.

Seth’s perfectly detailed analysis demonstrates the business of pastured poultry and encapsulates the decision making process of successful farms. We break Seth’s question down and offer our insights.

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About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

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