Avian Influenza

PPT033: UC Davis Builds an Egg Mobile and Joins the Pastured Poultry Community

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4118474/height/100/width/480/theme/standard/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”100″ width=”480″]Members of the UC Davis pastured poultry research farm join the podcast to tell us about their project. Mike is joined by Dr. Richard Blatchford and Carine Elkhoraibi. The project describes itself as “a new education, research and innovation hub for pastured poultry producers (layers and broilers), master gardeners, backyard flock keepers, academia, students,…

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PPT026: Poultry Politics Workshop: Avian Influenza

This is an excerpt of Mike Badger’s Poultry Politics workshop from the Sustainable Poultry Network Conference in Wilmot, OH in October 2015. Mike is joined briefly by Eric Pawlowski, Sustainable Agriculture Educator, at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. Turn your speakers up, the audio is clear, but may be low depending on your…

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PPT007: Pay Attention to the Chicken and All Will Be Well

In this episode, Grady and Mike catch up and talk about the weather and pen construction. We ponder high death losses. What’s acceptabe and why do you accept it? Grady recommends we pay attention to the chicken and learn about them. Do it thousands of times. Then we talk about the egg shortage brought to light by…

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