
PPT097: Looking forward to Goose Day with Cotton Patch Geese

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]I’m a cotton patch goose breeder. Well, I have geese that are old enough to mate. We’ll save the moniker of goose breeder until we have some deliberate success. The cotton patch goose is a historical landrace breed originally used to weed cotton fields and other crops across the South….

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How to avoid being a dangerous chicken breeder

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]Dangerous breeders are everywhere and the internet gives them a platform to perpetuate bad breeding habits at the expense of offspring that represents the breed. A dangerous breeder is someone who produces offspring that doesn’t represent the breed. They often don’t know how to selectively breed, and they’re not interested…

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PPT051: Pat Whitaker Breeds Black Australorps for Utility

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”480″]Pat breeds Black Australorps in the Asheville, NC area. Her birds are becoming well known for their high lay rate of 80%+. The choice to use heritage birds is riddled with challenges, but there’s also unmet opportunities. Breeders like Pat lay the foundation to meet those opportunities with strong management, breeding, and…

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