laying hens

PPT042: Definitive Guide to Feather Pecking with Jeff Mattocks

Think all chicken feather picking and “cannibalism” is attributed to poor feed? Think again. Poultry nutritionist Jeff Mattocks of The Fertrell Company walks us through four main reasons that poultry peck their flock mates. And feed is only one of the issues. So jump in the truck and join us we talk about feather pecking…

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PPT040: Mike Marchand Shares His Business Perspective on Growing His Pastured Poultry Farm From Scratch

[app_audio src=”[podcast src=”” height=”100″ width=”480″]”] Talk about this episode on Facebook. Mike Marchand of Whitehurst Farms joins the show to talk about his rapidly growing career as a pastured poultry farmer in the Houston, Texas area. He sold his successful non-farming business and starting raising poultry in 2014. Today, he manages a laying flock of…

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PPT037: Pastured Poultry is Beyond Dirt

[podcast src=”” height=”100″ width=”480″] As a continuation of episode 35, Spence is back for a guest host spot to talk about pasture management.  We talk about managing broilers and layers on pasture. Spence is in the midst of transitioning his layers from an egg mobile to a daily move prairie schooner for precision manure management…

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