
How to perfectly grill chicken barbecue for family and groups

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”] In Episode 71, learn how to grill chicken barbecue that’s flavorful and moist. Email questions to As this episode drops, the United States will be in full-on summer picnic mode with the fourth of July. It’s a perfect place to showcase pasture-raised chicken.  In a bad cook’s grill,…

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PPT062: Joel Salatin talks about the marketing and business of craft foods

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”] Joel Salatin joins the show and we use his recent book Your Successful Farm Business (Amazon) as the back drop to the conversation. High points of the discussion: Your Successful Farm Business dives into the people, the marketing, the time and motion studies, and the nitty gritty about how to…

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PPT061: Don’t be intimidated by marketing; get help | Interview with Tim Young

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”480″] Tim Young of Small Farm Nation joins the show to discuss business, marketing, and farming. Tim is one of those guys who left a successful corporate career to farm full time. After successfully building that business, he’s made yet another transition that more closely reflected his family’s life goals. Today, he’s a homestead…

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