started pullets

Maintain Production with All In/All Out Rotation for 5,000 laying hens (PPT112)

Listener Chris asks how to utilize an all-in/all-out pullet replacement strategy without duplicating infrastructure while maintaining egg production. To help answer the question, I share insights from Mark Harrison and Dave and Ginger Shields. Mark farms at White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia. Dave and Ginger operate Pastured Life Farm in O’Brien, Florida.  The simple…

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PPT075: Bringing Ready-to-Lay Pullets onto Your Farm

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]Ready-to-Lay pullets, also called started pullets, are an economical way for pastured poultry producers and family egg flocks replace their laying hen flock. By buying started pullets, you typically pay less for each bird than it would cost you to produce it, and you eliminate up to 17 weeks of…

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