
PPT038: Year Round Turkey Production

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4269875/height/100/width/480/theme/standard-mini/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”100″ width=”480″] It’s never too early or late to think about turkeys. In this episode, Mike starts off talking to Spence about current farm events, which steers the conversation to turkey breeding. Mike has been setting up his Beltsvile Small White breeding program. And no discussion about turkeys is complete without a chat about…

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PPT30: Cooking, Eating, and Winter Marketing Frozen Birds

In a post-Thanksgiving turkey love feast, Mike (www.millsidefarm.com) and Grady (www.gradyphelan.com) discuss cooking techniques including splatchcock and chicken ballotine preparations.  Cooking and eating your product makes for great marketing stories. We transition to winter marketing, and we tackle the frozen chicken stigma, especially when dealing with chefs.  Send your questions to pasturedpoultrytalk@gmail.com and don’t forget to share this…

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PPT016: Listener Q&A with Grady and Mike

After several solo shows, Mike and Grady come together to kick around some listener questions and issues. We dig deep into the following:  A listener asks if 8 week old Cornish Cross cockerels are tough. We kick that answer around and use the occasion to talk about the differences between raising straight run, all pullets, and all…

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