Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast

The Pastured Poultry Talk podcast, hosted by Mike Badger, explores the production, the business, the community, and the entrepreneurs that make direct marketed pasture-raised poultry possible.

PPT016: Listener Q&A with Grady and Mike

 After several solo shows, Mike and Grady come together to kick around some listener questions and issues. We dig deep into the following:  A listener asks if 8 week old Cornish Cross cockerels are touigh. We kick that answer around and use the occasion to talk about the differences between raising straight run, all pullets, and all…

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PPT003: Hatching Eggs on the Homestead with Harvey Ussery

At the Stone Barns Poultry School in March 2015, Mike Badger caught up with poultry author and homesteader Harvey Ussery. Harvey discusses sustainable poultry, the clan mating system, and the allure of adding heritage breeds to your flock, even for market producers. Resources and Links Using the Clan Mating System (at The Modern Homestead) Grady Phelan…

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PPT002: Chicken Underground Conspirator Pat Foreman

Patricia Foreman, chicken activist and author, joins Pastured Poultry Talk to discuss the importance of having chickens in your life. She’s chicken taught and passionate. Pat talks about: The multi-purpose chicken as meat, eggs, fertilizer, topsoil, compost, herbiciders and insectiders Chicken stimulus package Chickens as therapy and pets with benefits Why we should be thinking…

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