Pastured Poultry Talk Podcast

The Pastured Poultry Talk podcast, hosted by Mike Badger, explores the production, the business, the community, and the entrepreneurs that make direct marketed pasture-raised poultry possible.

How to avoid being a dangerous chicken breeder

Dangerous breeders are everywhere and the internet gives them a platform to perpetuate bad breeding habits at the expense of offspring that represents the breed. A dangerous breeder is someone who produces offspring that doesn’t represent the breed. They often don’t know how to selectively breed, and they’re not interested in learning. I may be…

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Perspectives on Pastured Poultry Shelters and Pasture Management

When you put chickens or turkeys out on pasture, there are two fundamental questions you need to consider. Why pasture and how do you house the birds? If you fully grasp the why of the pasture model, you won’t take shortcuts in your housing and implementation. I’m primarily talking about the foundational principle of movement…

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PPT094: What podcasting teaches us about marketing pastured poultry

It’s no surprise that I’m hot on the  podcasting medium. Pastured Poultry Talk is a podcast, after all. In Episode 93 of the show, Kenny Troiano referenced his podcast, Bred to Perfection, as a primary marketing asset for his membership site. The publication of the episode was well timed because it happened soon after I…

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