PPT024: Producing Better Poultry

We’re All interested in Producing Better Meat

In this episode a tired Grady and Mike debrief their weeks. Mike traveled to Wilmot, OH to the Sustainable Poultry Network’s conference where he presented a variety of poultry topics. In this episode, Mike chats about the heritage chicken challenge in terms of carcass yields.

Is it worth it to raise the chickens to 18 weeks versus 16? Grady does a great job connecting chickens to cows and tires.

Grady wrapped up a first week of processing at Cobb Creek and discovered one of the coolest parts of working with other producers and their birds; the opportunity to teach and learn. We chat about feather growth problems, feet problems, and diagnosing problems from the gutting table. And Grady reminds us, “When you’re making the best profit, you also have the best husbandry and animal welfare.”

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About the Author
Host of Pastured Poultry Talk podcast.

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